The Shape of Things to Come
The Shape of Things to Come
The Shape of Things to Come
The Shape of Things to Come
The Shape of Things to Come

8-13" diameter bell jars, plexiglass, mycelium (Reishi, Ganoderma lucidum, day 2), substrate, tubes, custom incubators, 2014

   “ The Shape of Things to Come”- a set of living and growing mycelium sculptures. By manipulating the substrate necessary for mycelium (Reishi) to reproduce itself, Darya's vision came alive as “newborns" (she used a mold of a baby doll head to establish the connection), which were inoculated with mushrooms spores. With the help of custom made incubators the mycelium (and other unexpected “neighbors") had spread taking over the shape of the sculpture.

The Shape of Things to Come
The Shape of Things to Come

8" diameter bell jar, plexiglass, mycelium (Reishi ,Ganoderma lucidum, day 6), substrate, tubes, custom incubators, 2014


The Shape of Things to Come
The Shape of Things to Come

13" diameter bell jar, plexiglass, mycelium (Reishi ,Ganoderma lucidum, day 2), substrate, tubes, custom incubators, 2014